An unique expertise in the field of walnut

We produce veneers and lumbers and since the origins, we are specialized in Walnut of France. We control all the different steps of the production process which are exposed here.


étape d'achat et sélection

We travel the region ourselves, looking for walnuts. We choose them according to their length, size and shape for example.

Cutting down


Once purchased, walnuts are snatched, and not cut, by specialized lumberjacks with whom we work closely.




Next, walnuts are brought on our site of Marcilloles, and we do one more selection regarding the wood quality. Some will be sawned, and some will be sliced. But before transforming it, we must shape the roots ourselves to allow the slicer and the sawyer to do a quality job.

Sawing and parboiling Squaring

Sawing and parboiling


Plots de noyer ATC BOIS

Woods are sawned in different thicknesses in a local sawmill. Next, they are piled and sent to parboiling. Parboiling is a steam bath which lasts several days and gives to the wood his final colour. It also makes the wood dry faster.




To finish, once all those steps are over, walnut lumbers are coming back to Marcilloles to be stocked. At this moment, we classify them according to their quality, length and thickness.



One of the most important objectives for ATC BOIS was to reduce the time between production and sale. That’s why we invested in a vacuum dryer (W.D.E MASPELL) with a capacity of 6m3. We can supply dried woods according to your requirements.

We also can dry your woods on request.



This is a mandatory and determining step before slicing. The orientation chosen impacts the veneer structure. Before slicing , woods are shaped and opened (except for small specimen) to help the boiling to be efficient. It’s a key to have a good veneer quality.



Walnuts are plunged several days into a water bath warmed to a specific temperature to make them more tender. By the way, the slicing will be easier. It also allows to give a nice colour to the woods (The color can be different according to the settings).



Walnuts are fixed in the machine to be sliced in thin sheets of wood (from 0,5mm to 2,5mm). A big kniffe slices the sheets, which then pass through a dryer-press before going out and being gathered into 12, 24 or 32 sheets packets.




We are back to Marcilloles for the crucial moment of walnut veneer production. The raw sheets must be cut to get something homogeneous and matching our customer’s expactations. So we cut each packet with a guillotine to make them salable. This operation is done tree by tree, packet by packet and performed by eye.




Finally, each walnut is reviewed one last time to be estimated and classified. Different criteria are determining its classification and its final use. Next, the walnut veneers are stocked in our warehouse until the sale.